Addax Bioenergy in Sierra Leone


Why on earth don’t they grow their biofuel in Switzerland?


Why are these farmers complaining about not having enough land in the middle of sparsely populated Sierra Leone?


Some of these people will end up in Freetown with a tray of (imported) biscuits on their head


Sierra Leoneans back on plantations, working for European cars


Amidst hunger in the villages


How come foreigners can acquire thousands of hectares of land, but Sierra Leoneans are limited to a few town lots?


A massive land grab


Why are foreign companies acquiring huge tracts of land in SL? Somebody must be profiting from it (and it’s not these villagers).


Why does the government allow this?


There is no government there. Addax is the government.


How much of our precious Rokel River water are they taking?


And what happens to all their chemicals?


Why is the EU helping to fund this? For us? Or for them?


Why can’t we grow sugar cane by ourselves?


If we don’t make good use of the land, somebody else will



Read full report by ActionAid here


Read related material on violence in Addax’ concession here