Ebola emerged in Sierra Leone in Kailahun district, and for a period
was confined there. MSF set up its case management center there.
However initially all lab testing was being done at the lassa fever lab
in Kenema, the only lab then able to do these tests. At some point, it
was decided to start treating Ebola patients in Kenema, and a section
of the Kenema Government Hospital became the Kenema Ebola Treatment
Ebola quickly engulfed the Kenema Ebola Treatment Center. Dr Khan and
several of his assistants were infected and succumbed to the disease.
Ebola spread from the treatment center, which was supposed to be a
separate, isolated facility, to the general hospital. An unknown number
of nurses and patients became infected there. There has, perhaps
understandably, not yet been a proper inquiry. At one point, soon after
the death of Dr Khan, the hospital had reportedly been abandoned by
staff and patients, and it required a personal visit by President
Koroma to bolster morale. It was during this period that Kenema became
the second epicenter of Ebola in Sierra Leone. How much of this
infection was actually spread by the hospital and staff should be a
matter for serious scrutiny when this crisis has passed. However the
infected staff were members of the Kenema community and would have had
multiple contacts with the community during a normal working day.
Sections of the Kenema community certainly believed that the treatment
center had a role in the spread of the disease in the city and strong
representations were made to government to relocate the treatment
center to a suitable location well outside the city. Government agreed
to do this, although it is not clear whether this new facility has
become operational.
The initial understanding in Freetown was that a treatment center would
be constructed well outside the city, in Lakka or Kerry Town. Now,
however, we are hearing news reports of "Ebola holding centers" at 34
military hospital at Wilberforce and the police hospital at Kingtom,
along with a treatment center at Connaught. Is this wise? The
difference between a "holding center" and a "treatment center" is not
that great, especially for a disease like Ebola that manifests its
outcome in just a few days. The holding center sends blood samples for
tests and until those results come back it has the responsibility to
care for the patient. If the test comes back positive it has still to
keep the patient until arrangements can be made to transfer him/her to
a treatment center. And if there is no bed available at the treatment
center then the holding center has no option but to hold on to the
patient and administer whatever treatment it can.
Are the above-mentioned general hospitals in built-up locations of
city really suitable for these functions? Didn't we learn from Kenema
that Ebola is best handled in a specialized facility well away from
population centers, such as what MSF has in Kailahun? The military and
police hospitals, in particular, are not normally regarded as being
among the top medical institutions in Freetown. Do they have the
caliber of staff and the institutional infrastructure to handle a
disease as deadly as Ebola? The large, closely-packed barracks
populations which they serve would appear to provide an even greater
risk of transmission of infection. In a fluid, fast-moving situation it
easy to get carried along with
the exigencies of the moment and to forget recent lessons. Yes, we need
holding and treatment centers, but they should be located and organized
with great care in order not to multiply avenues for Ebola to spread.